Conservatory Regulations

Hallmark Conservatories

Please use the following links that relate to Conservatory Regulations:

Conservatory Planning Permission
Planning Permission – is the permission to erect or extend a conservatory

Conservatory Building Regulations
Building Regulations Cover: Access and facilities for disabled people Damp-proofing Drainage Electrical safety Energy conservation Fire precautions Means of escape Sound insulation Structural stability Ventilation

Building a Conservatory over or near to a Sewer
Since the ownerhip of shared sewers all transferred to the Water Boards on 1st October 2011, it is important you read and understand the implications detailed here.

Conservation Areas and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Applying for Conservation Area Consent or for permission to build in a ANOB is a separate issue from applying for Conservatory Planning Permission,

Conservatory Party Walls
The Party Wall Act 1996 regulates what you can and cannot do when building on part, or close to, a neighbouring property. You will need to refer to the Party Wall Act if you are planning to build a conservatory.

VAT on Conservatories
There is some confusion around VAT on conservatories and we hope the following explanation will show how different VAT rates are applied when certain conditions are met.

Additional information: Building regulations in the United Kingdom

Building regulations are statutory instruments that seek to ensure that the CLASS VII Extensions Porches Covered Ways Conservatories.… Read More

Conservatory Photos @ from Conservatory Advice